1. Are your rooms wheelchair accessible?
Yes we are.
2. Are walk ins welcome?
Walk-ins are always welcome. Emergency hours work on a first come first serve basis only. During consulting hours, appointments will take preference, thereafter walk-ins will be seen.
3. What should I bring along for my consultation?
Please bring along proof of identification (ID book/drivers licence/ Passport) and your medical aid card and any chronic medication that you are taking.
4. What if I have an emergency and cannot wait?
Emergencies will be attended to as soon as possible. Please notify the practice that you are on your way, so that we can make the necessary arrangements.
5. Is the doctor available at night?
The doctor is available till 20h00, the doors to the practice will be locked at night for security reasons, please call reception or ring the bell at the gate to be let in.
6. Do you allow telephonic/virtual consultations?
Yes we do. The doctor will decide if the condition/complaint can be treated virtually and will send through a prescription if needed.
7. Is the dispensary open at night?
Yes it is. Only medications that are prescribed by our doctor on site can be dispensed. We are not a pharmacy that can issue medication based on external doctors prescriptions.
8. What happens if my condition is found to be more serious than I expected and I need admission?
If admission to a hospital is needed the doctor can assist with a referral, depending on the receiving hospitals protocols. This can either be in the form of a referral letter or by discussing with the receiving specialist/doctor and arranging admission to the relevant facility.
9. Do you have Xrays on site?
No we don’t. The doctor will refer the patient if needed to the nearest radiology department and then review the xrays thereafter.